Lent: Count Your Blessings (Days 1 and 2)

Categories: random

Tags: Lent, Christian Aid, Count Your Blessings, Christianity, art

Date: 22 February 2007 20:52:33

Photos of the amazing T-shirt artwork will follow next week - I shall let HD see it first (the World Premiere, if you will) seeing as he's the one who'll be modelling it. But rest assured you won't miss out - it's very gratifying to have such a keen and enthusiastic audience!

In the meantime, I've been thinking about Lent. A number of other bloggers here at the wibsite are either offering reflections or pondering the meanings and motivations behind Lent, and I am trying to follow some element of discipline too at this time in order to benefit (hopefully) both spiritually and physically, and as a result be a more useful Christian and generally better able to serve the world, the church, and my fellow man.

One of the things I do some years is follow Christian Aid's Lent Daily Plan, known as Count Your Blessings (NB that's a pdf file so you'll need Adobe Acrobat to read it). It's a really simple way of stopping to think, just for a few minutes, of those less fortunate, and of how we - I - might be called to change habits to bless them, and to be more grateful for all that we have in our life. So I've decided that this year I will, every day, share the daily thought on this blog, so that if anyone wants to join in and contribute they can. If I'm not going to be around for a while I'll put up a few days thoughts in advance. Details of where to send your contribution at the end of Lent are in the links.

Wednesday 21 February 2007 (Ash Wednesday)
Every year 1.6 million of the world's poorest people die from respiratory infections, aggravated by smoke from open fires in their homes.

Give 5p for every radiator in your home, and 10p for every fireplace.

Thursday 22 February 2007
Added together, the Gross Domestic Product of the poorest 48 nations (a quarter of the world's countries) is less than the combined wealth of the world's three richest people.

Give 50p for every wage-earner in your home.