Of moons and spiders

Categories: random

Tags: spider, Edinburgh, eclipse

Date: 04 March 2007 22:31:18

Yesterday evening I headed out about 10.30 to watch a bit of the lunar eclipse. I was on the main road outside the offlicence, sharing the view with four guys in their shirtsleeves (I was wrapped up with coat, scarf, hat and would have had a hot water bottle and cup of tea if I could have!). They're tough up here. I wished HD had been there too - he'd have kept me warm. We were joined by a couple of people from either the offlicence or the next-door takeaway who saw us all staring at something and wondered what was going on, so it ended up being quite sociable. I didn't stay to watch the moon turn red (it was far too cold without someone to snuggle up to), but did see the total eclipse, it was stunning even above a Glasgow offlicence.

Today after church I went to Edinburgh for lunch and board/card games with friends, which was great - I even got the hang of them quite quickly which is very impressive for me (I don't think I have the right sort of brain for strategy games, I normally just rely on the luck of the clueless). Got home about an hour ago and went to check out the bathroom for my 8-legged nemesis, and for the first time since its reign of terror began (5 whole days, readers!!!) it had moved beyond the corner crack behind the toilet where it was impossible to get to it and was instead poised on the ceiling directly above the toilet. Now, there was no way I was going to let that state of affairs continue - I wouldn't ever dare go to the toilet again for fear of an ambush from a great height - so I ended up perched on top of the stepladder with the trusty spider-hoover-upper, hood up over my head in case Smudgie tried any sudden kamikaze moves, lots of swearing to keep my courage up, and finally managed to trap it. Mind you, even with the hoover-upper it clung on to the ceiling for ages before finally being defeated, and once I'd got down the ladder I didn't just chuck it out of my front door like I usually do but went right out onto the street to make sure it was well and truly evicted.

Peace and tranquility (and hopefully a lot less swearing) has now been restored again to the Stately Pile. Phew and double phew.