Lent: Count Your Blessings (Days 17-19)

Categories: random

Tags: Lent, Christian Aid, Count Your Blessings, Christianity

Date: 09 March 2007 09:06:57

I'm away from this afternoon for the weekend, end of Scottish rail strike permitting, so here are 3 days' worth of Count Your Blessings. See you all on Monday :)

Friday 9th March 2007
Many people walk miles each day for water and food.

Give 50p for every car your household owns.

Saturday 10th March 2007
Kenya spends 40% of its annual budget on servicing its debts.

Give 20p for every shop you visit today.

Sunday 11th March 2007 - end of Fairtrade Fortnight
Millions of people will go to bed hungry tonight, even though there is enough food in the world for everybody.

Give 1p for every fair-trade food product in your kitchen, and 5p for every pack of rice, sugar or bananas which is not fairly traded.

What's this in aid of? Count Your Blessings is a daily Lent plan to help raise funds for the work of Christian Aid.