Could be worse ...

Categories: random

Tags: dream

Date: 08 September 2008 10:32:16

I know I regularly bemoan the fact that HD works at the other end of the country from me, and the commuting is a pain and all the rest of it. But last night I dreamt that he was offered a 2 year contract with the British Antarctic Survey Team, and I'd only get to see him for 10 days a year. All of a sudden Luton/Stevenage doesn't seem *quite* so bad! (though admittedly the icebergs down here aren't quite as impressive).

It reminded me of our first honeymoon conversation, when we were trying to think of where we could go. I asked him if there was anywhere he'd always fancied going, and he replied "Antarctica". To which I replied, obviously, "We go to Antarctica - I'm keeping my clothes on!"