Running out of time

Categories: random, wedding

Tags: stress, holiday, wedding

Date: 12 March 2007 20:02:23

I had a lovely weekend in England-shire with HD, including seeing the vicar who will marry us and getting more ideas about the wedding and whatnot. Which is all very exciting. What's better is that this coming weekend I'm going to his for a couple of weeks (this week is the end of term, which can't come soon enough, I'm knackered!) so I'll be a bit out of circulation here but life will be going on and hopefully we can get many of the important decisions and arrangements made or at least on the way.

I was chatting with a London friend this evening and have realised though how little time there is before I go away on my fieldwork. Once I'm back from HD's I have one week of uni holiday left (where said friend will be staying with me for a few days and then I'll be down south again over the Easter weekend to briefly catch up with another friend who'll also be passing through England-shire), then 3 weeks of term where I'm teaching, then 1 week to leave here and say my goodbyes before I'm on my way. That's not very long at all. Eek. So if I appear to be doing my world-famous headless turkey impersonation for the next few weeks you'll know why.