37 days to go (I think)

Categories: phd

Tags: thesis, job

Date: 25 August 2010 20:04:14

I think I'm starting to lose count. Or the will to live. Or something.

Today's thesis thought: I need to figure out the balance between the local (what my respondents said about their situation) and the global (where they fit in the wider scheme of things). My chapters on my respondents are pretty good (though I say so myself), but I'm less confident about the wider theorising. Not because my data isn't good, and worthy of theorising (on the contrary it's both), but because I'm not confident about the language I'm using. This is the reason why I don't always feel like a proper academic (well one of the reasons).

I'm thinking lots about nationalism and gender (the bigger picture) and wondering if my media work has coloured my analysis too much towards the bigger picture and away from the local of my respondents.

In other news, I applied for an academic job ages ago. After a month I assumed I'd not been shortlisted, but I emailed HR and they have told me the applications are still with the department for shortlisting. So all is not lost (yet). I'm not holding my breath, and at least with the thesis stuff going on I haven't got time to get too worked up about it.

In other other news, work (current proper job) is bonkers at the moment.