Young at heart

Categories: random

Tags: age

Date: 17 April 2007 20:11:26

I was so confused by the Tuesdayness of it all, that I totally forgot to blog my most exciting news. Well, really I should have blogged this a year and a half ago, but I only found out recently that I was still eligible - so yes, as of this morning I am the proud owner of a Young Person's Railcard! (stop laughing at the back). It's official, I'm young, and I've got the card to prove it!

I did have to smile though when I went to the guy in the ticket office and told him I wanted to buy a Young Person's Railcard (I went to put YP there, but it's more exciting writing it out in full). The look on his face was a classic, you could see he was thinking "how do I say this diplomatically?", and he looked positively relieved when I said "yes I know I'm too old but I've got an ISIC card".

So there we are. I'm glad I'm not as old as I feel (am a bit stiff after yesterday's deathclimb), but as an official Young Person (complete with capitals) that no longer matters. :D