Too much information alert

Categories: ill

Tags: ill

Date: 18 April 2007 19:44:46

I've not had the best-of-health days. Let's just say "explosive diarrhoea. Lots thereof. About 25 times just this morning" and leave it at that, shall we. Am feeling rather fragile. Though cheered up by a bonkers text from Alice (which was intended for Jacqui but her thumb slipped) and then I had lunch with derf as she was handing in her final bound thesis (that will happen to me one day. Yes it will). Unfortunately, and very unlike me, I could only manage half the (relatively small bowl of) soup and then spent the rest of the afternoon feeling like I'd eaten way too much and generally icky. So I went home to bed instead, and feel better (though not 100%) for having slept it off. But I desperately want to stop feeling icky soon, as I'm driving down to my parents' tomorrow (a good 8 hours, with breaks) so really need to not be in need of a toilet in close proximity. I also need to retrieve the couple of hours I lost sleeping, as I have to pack up all my valuables (parents will be minding it all, plus the car, while I'm away) and still sort out fieldwork stuff, and I need a good night's sleep before the long drive. Argh, it's never simple, is it?

Anyway, that means that blogging and suchlike will be a bit more sporadic from now on. I'm only going to be in work a couple of days next week and one day the week after, so daily blogging isn't going to happen (I don't have wifi and my parents don't have broadband, so can't use the laptop). Try not to miss me too much :) (I'll miss you, obviously).