
Categories: phd, places

Tags: thesis, photos, York, Museum

Date: 13 July 2010 21:18:10

We went to York last weekend for the baptism of some dear friends' baby, and had a lovely time staying with some other friends. I even managed to write nearly all of my conference talk (I'm off on that in a couple of weeks) and am reasonably pleased with it, so that's all good :)

One of the things we did on Sunday morning was stop by at the National Railway Museum to satisfy HD's nerdy train leanings. It's a great museum, and even though I can't say I'm particularly enthusiastic about trains I wasn't bored, and was happy to spend an hour or so there. We had a look round the storage area (where they have exhibits which aren't on proper show but you can walk round and look anyway) and I enjoyed looking at all the various signs salvaged from stations over the years. These were some of my favourites, reminiscent of such a different world and time:






IMG_2508This one didn't exactly fill us with confidence!!

In other news, my supervisor has agreed with me on my analysis of the Chapter of Doom, and also with my proposed solution. It's kind of amusing, this close to submission, to be happy and relieved that someone else thinks the chapter is rubbish! (because if she hadn't agreed it would have meant I would have had to rewrite it AGAIN, the thought of which was not very conducive to my stress levels). Writing a PhD thesis is such a bizarre thing to do.