Watch and weep

Categories: random

Tags: funny, YouTube, Hallelujah Chorus

Date: 10 December 2009 20:28:54

This made me laugh so much the tears were rolling down my face:


It appears that lots of people have had the same idea (there are silent nuns, versions from schools and methodist churches and gay men's choruses and all sorts) and the same choreography, down even to having a particularly short guy second from right. The one I linked to made me laugh the most, but I think that was probably because it was the first one I'd seen (thanks to Ship of Fools, as these things so often are). The one by St Francis de la Sissies is pretty funny too (search on YouTube, it'll be there). The whole thing I think reminded me a bit of the monks in the "bring out your dead" scene in "Monty Python and the Holy Grail".

I recommend you watch one or two people in particular - the guy with "of" second from left, and "and" fourth from left particularly tickled me.