New job

Categories: nursing

Tags: essays, job

Date: 02 November 2009 21:08:15

I don't intend writing much about my new job, as it wouldn't be appropriate and would be boring. But I did want to note that today was my first day, and I have survived and don't hate the thought of going back tomorrow. Which is a good start!

I had a nightmare this morning though. I got a letter last week asking me to go to a different place from my base, and I had planned on spending yesterday evening sorting out everything I needed - letters, proof of qualifications etc - so I wouldn't have to rush around this morning. However, yesterday turned out to be much longer than we had originally planned - HD has got a room in a shared house for the duration of his job, but as it was an unfurnished room we planned to drive down with our spare bed, with me then driving back in time to have a leisurely evening. Unfortunately the combination of roadworks and inept navigating by me meant that it took us nearly 8 hours just to get Down South, and then I still had to drive back, and I didn't get home till 11. Never mind I thought, I'll get up early so I'll have lots of time to sort everything out before I leave for work.


Could I find the letter telling me where I had to be? Well, no. The flat now looks like a bomb has hit it as I (almost literally) turned it upside-down. One good thing is that I found my driving licence, which I lost ages ago, and I did eventually find the letter. But it meant that when I got there and met what felt like a hundred people I felt like I could say very little other than "wibble". One of the nurse development people told me she could tell I was new because I looked so keen. I was so frazzled I didn't even have the energy to laugh out loud - I've spent the last 2 months (since I got the job) really not particularly wanting it, so to be told I looked keen was hilarious!

Anyway. My new colleagues seem nice, I have a much smaller caseload than I did in London (but have no duobt they'll keep me on my toes), and it will certainly do me for now.

In the meantime I really need to get my act together and mark the OU essays. Even though there is only a fraction of the essays I had to mark last year, it feels like a giant mountain to climb. I need a motivation transplant.