I hate MS Word part 7963

Categories: phd, university

Tags: thesis, Open Uni, tutoring

Date: 18 September 2009 20:49:29

Today I have had the technological day from hell. What should have been a simple reformatting job turned into an all-dayer due to MS Word's utter inability to cope with tables and constantly corrupting them. I'll be glad later that I've spent the time sorting it all out, but today was utterly mind-numbing and just a little bit soul-destroying. Grrrr.

In other news, tomorrow I have to be up at the crack of dawn (on a Saturday, reader!) to get to Stirling Uni for an induction day for new Open University tutors (can't remember if I blogged that I got that gig in the end - have just taken a look at the tutors' web site and it's frankly a bit scary!). Somehow I think my blagging abilities, honed over 4 years of tutoring in my department, will come in quite handy!

I'm so tired. I just want to sleep this weekend, but am behind on my chapter (I'm sure that will come as such a surprise to everyone) so as well as this induction day I'm probably going to have to spend Sunday afternoon finishing off the evil reformatting so I've got next week to catch up. Sigh. I just *can't* hand this one in late. Well, I could, but having already put off the handing-in date once I think doing so again would be a bit cheeky (plus it wouldn't actually do me any good). Sigh.