Dog collarage

Categories: christianity

Tags: ministry, church, food

Date: 03 September 2009 20:04:10

To (almost) the other end of the M8 yesterday evening, to see Derf - or should I now say, Rev. Derf (well technically The Dr. Rev. Derf, but she's decided against that for thoroughly understandable reasons!) being received into her new congregation/circuit/parish (they're a bit complicated, these Methodist types!). What a lovely evening. As soon as I walked in and saw her over the other side of the room in her dog collar I got all weepy (I'm still getting all weepy thinking about it), and although I did hold it together during the service, every time I looked at her I got all emotional. Just seeing someone doing what they were born to do, what a wonderful thing :)

The spread the congregations put on after the service was a wonderful thing as well :D

Wishing Rev. Derf every joy and happiness in her new ministry.