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Categories: art

Tags: pastels, garden, art

Date: 22 September 2008 20:24:06

Luton garden Sept 2008This is the picture I drew in the in-laws' garden last week. I really like this one, I think I like the colours particularly. The perspective is totally out (the big plant barrel is probably more than twice its actual size in this picture and I didn't leave enough room after drawing the bracket to draw the basket that's hanging from it), and the plants are hardly accurate. But hey, odd perspective and accuracy didn't do Picasso any harm, eh? :) By the way, thank you everyone for your concern, actually the man flu seems not to have materialised, so that's good. I still don't feel entirely right (quiet at the back please!) but I think this is just regularly scheduled big girl's blouse-ness rather than death throes. So that's alright then.