"The New Rulers of the World" by John Pilger

Categories: book-review

Tags: book review

Date: 05 July 2009 14:22:59

This book was first written in 2002 (updated in 2003, which is the version I have). John Pilger is an Australian investigative journalist, and this book is an expose of four international issues (Indonesia, the 1991 Gulf War, the "war on terror" and Australia's treatment of the Aboriginal peoples). It was kind of interesting reading it in hindsight - for example a couple of times he writes things like "it's looking like the US will invade Iraq soon". Mostly though it was thoroughly depressing, though no less compelling for that. It is very cynical about politicians and very angry in tone about injustice. I think it's well worth a read, though it's probably not a beach read, if you see what I mean.