
Categories: phd, places

Tags: Moldova, chocolate, Chisinau, fieldwork

Date: 30 July 2007 12:34:28

Just a quickie to say I'm here! And have found an internet cafe (it's in evil McDonalds, but at least I don't have to buy any food to use it). Am feeling v. culture-shocked - trying to get used to Romanian spoken with a heavy Russian accent, and much more seriously everyone here is very down and depressed it seems, and trying very hard to leave the country. Moldova's been the poorest country in Europe for a long time now, but the demographic situation is really scary. If people continue to leave at the rate they're leaving currently, the country's screwed*

T&E, it's far too hot for chocolate, which would melt ickily and be more trouble than pleasure. I will confess to a chocolate icecream though, which isn't the same at all.

* not the first word that comes to mind, but this is a family wiblog :)