
Categories: random, phd

Tags: thesis, photos, Eurovision, PhD

Date: 12 May 2009 19:53:09

My minor thesis-related existential crisis continued today, and was really starting to do my head in. Fortunately the weather the last couple of days has been great, so I packed up my stuff and headed back to the Botanic Gardens, where after a quick wander round the Kibble Palace glasshouse to take some pictures, I sat myself down on the grass (along with half of Glasgow, it seemed!) and started brainstorming with myself. Rather helpfully, as a result of this process my thesis suddenly makes sense to me, and I have a clue what I have to do. I'm definitely sitting out there more often!

Here's some pictures from today:

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In other news, thanks to the wonders of the internet I am watching the first Eurovision semi-final. I have to say, I don't think Bulgaria will be making it. Some interesting acrobatics going on, to accompany the strangled cats.