
Categories: random, phd

Tags: age, Moldova, fieldwork, radio, interiew

Date: 27 September 2007 14:02:08

Earlier this month (7th, if you really want to go and read it) I was delighting in being called "a young person from England" on national radio. Today I did an interview at the radio station with one of the presenters, and when I'd finished and went to put my dictaphone back in my bag, she whipped out her own dictaphone (it was swankier than mine - thank goodness I didn't bring the steam-powered cassette recorder) and asked if she could interview me. So we did a 10 minute interview (what I'm doing here, what my impressions are of the country, etc). All mildly embarrassing, but I don't think I said anything too hideous. It's on next week so I got the time and will try to listen to it in the internet cafe in Romania.

BUT. The last question threw me a bit, and I don't know how I didn't just laugh out loud. She suddenly said (I paraphrase but this was basically it) "As a final question, from a youth from England to the youth of Moldova, what would you say to us?"

I'm daaaan wi' da yoof.
