Think again

Categories: random

Tags: car, present, random

Date: 13 February 2009 17:57:16

We were meant to be going to York for the weekend to see friends, but unfortunately Dudley (the Saab) has a little problem with one of his wheels so we can't drive until it's sorted out, and it was too late to get a train ticket that didn't cost a fortune. So we shall have to think of something else to do instead.

HD gave me a present today. He had originally planned on giving it to me tomorrow, but as it's possibly the most unromantic present ever he thought better of it and gave me it today instead. It's a really cool present though (don't click if you're of a sensitive disposition) - one of these. I could really have done with one of these on Cumbrae the other week, it was far too cold to drop my pants behind a random bush so I had to hold on for ages!

Whoever said romance was dead?!