
Categories: phd

Tags: Sibiu, Romania, fieldwork

Date: 03 October 2007 14:46:15

An interesting day today (we won't mention the insomnia in the small hours this morning though - grrrr), including a trip to a couple of villages in the countryside round about Sibiu. The scenery was lovely, and the weather too, but unfortunately the sun meant that it was too hazy to take any decent photos - the tops of the mountains peering through the haze were really something, but it wouldn't have worked on film (well OK memory card, but you know what I mean).

I have had to hand over a tiny bit of control of a tiny weeny bit of my research to someone else in order to get some more information, and I don't like it at all! Despite my best efforts, I still want it to be All About Me. We'll see what happens.

On a related note, for those of you who pray please can you say a few for something research-related that is niggling me and is potentially worrying. I really hope I'm making a mountain out of a molehill, but I'd just appreciate an email from someone specific to reassure me. Thank you :)