Burrell Collection

Categories: glasgow

Tags: photo, Museum, Burrell Collection, Glasgow

Date: 07 February 2009 21:18:27

IMGP6547This afternoon HD and I took a walk down to Pollok Park and the Burrell Collection. We've been there before, but as it was a nice day and it's local (and free!) it seemed like a fun thing to do. I got some pictures for the Glasgow blog (have been getting a bit low on them), said hello to the hairy coos (though they were a bit far away to hear our greeting), and reaquainted myself with some of my favourite exhibits (including the 16th (or was it 15th) century German tapestry of Old Testament stories - I remember when Cal and I went there a few years ago we spent a bit of time trying to work out all the stories - and the Islamic pottery, which is just so beautiful). There's an Ancient Greek exhibition on at the moment, on tour from the British Museum - we were both surprised to learn that the majority of Ancient Greek art and sculptures were made of bronze, not the stone and marble we're used to seeing. Unfortunately all the bronze got melted down for re-use so this art has been lost forever - certainly I'm pretty sure I've never seen any Ancient Greek bronze art. This picture is of a portico (which is either English or Spanish, I can't remember which - they had one of each!) - through it that's HD looking at an exhibit.