Working from home

Categories: phd

Tags: work, study, random

Date: 05 February 2009 15:28:25

I think I've lost the knack.  Which isn't such a bad thing - I used to work much better at home than at work, so it's good that I've managed to turn work into an environment where I do actually get quite a bit done, and keep home largely a space for homey things.  But on those odd occasions when needing to work from home, it would be nice if I got a bit more done.  [In my defence an upgrade to some software is taking ages, and I have done some things - just not as much as I would have liked]

I may need to rethink, well, not so much career possibilities, but think about organising myself, as working from home isn't beyond the realms of possibility.

Perhaps I should buy a shed and work there.