
Categories: random

Tags: trousers, random

Date: 17 December 2008 12:09:39

I wonder, is "trucks" a vaguely universal word for "trousers", or is it just a Northamptonshire thing? (or, even, a "my family" thing?).

Anyway, troosers.  I recently bought a new pair of black jeans, mainly for the conference last week as I needed something smart-but-substantial-in-a-cold-place.  My weight has been slowly but relentlessly rising all year - I could put it down to contentedness, but basically it's a combination of greed and laziness - and so I had to bite the bullet and buy a bigger size this time.  But, I'd say I'm technically 'between sizes' - my usual size is a bit tight, but the next size up is still too big - which means that my lovely new trousers keep falling down.  I suppose it's nice to have loose clothing for a change, at least I don't have muffin tops with these jeans, but it is a bit embarrassing, especially as I'm one of those people who sniggers at those young guys with their pants showing above jeans so loose they're a mile from the waist whilst thinking they look cool.

I suggested to HD last night I should eat lots and lots and lots and lots so that my trousers don't fall down any more.  But he offered to buy me some braces for Christmas and, really, I suspect there'll be (yet another) New Year's Resolution coming on soon.  Sigh.

In other news, my mum seems to be recovering well, and the window is being repaired tomorrow (I can't believe the difference this time from the last time I had to deal with a broken window, in London, which took weeks and weeks to sort out).  And I'm putting off marking essays.