
Categories: random, home, festivals

Tags: Celtic Connections, boiler, books, wedding

Date: 19 January 2008 15:47:55

I was going to put up some wedding photos on the blog today, as at least one reader (*cough*alice*cough*) wanted to see them, but flickr is playing up for me so I've wasted a lot of time and ended up achieving nothing (oh God that sounds like my PhD, but I digress). I'll have another go, probably tomorrow, and in the meantime will try to put some up on facebook for those of you that can access that.

In other news, the boiler is in and our flat is lovely and warm - I went out to the supermarket the other day, and when I came back my glasses steamed up. And I realised that that was the first time that had ever happened in this flat!

I also intend to join in on the "blog about all the books you've read" thing that a few other people have started. Unfortunately, most of this year's reading has consisted of first year essays, so I shall spare you my review of that (basically I think "woe" just about covers it, as mentioned in the previous entry). I might include a few academic texts as well, if they're interesting enough to be of wider interest than just my PhD. First though I have to mark 4 more essays which were handed in after Christmas.

Also (just to make you all jealous), the Celtic Connections festival started this week, and we're going to some gigs this year too. Not as many as last year, but I'm still looking forward immensely to the ones we are going to. Reviews will of course appear after the events. Hooray!

[Edited to add: hello Lithuania! I like your flag!]