
Categories: random

Tags: podcasts

Date: 27 January 2008 17:06:08

I've asked this over on the ship as well, but does anyone have any good podcasts they listen to that they'd recommend? I've finally lurched into the 21st century and started to use my mp3 player (bought so that we could play music at the wedding reception - that's currently the only music on it until I start copying my CDs).

So far I subscribe to 4 podcasts - From Our Own Correspondent (Radio 4), Scotland's Funny Bits (Radio Scotland), and a couple of prayer podcasts. [Actually the player I have (Creative Zen) seems to treat podcasts as music, so I was amused earlier when I had it on shuffle and was flicking through it that the Jesuit Pray-as-you-go podcast was immediately followed by "YMCA".] I think I'd like to subscribe to a language podcast, maybe french (to revive my virtually-forgotten-but-once-good french), and maybe some others if people have any particular recommendations. Any suggestions in the comments appreciated :)