
Categories: random, phd

Tags: thesis, car, name, random

Date: 15 February 2008 20:55:03

Today was very productive, in the scheme of things (I finally reached a goal that I was originally planning on reaching 2 weeks ago, but had miscalculated how much work it was going to take). So that's a good feeling, though it was just a stage on the way rather than a big big big milestone. Still, I'll take what I can get.

In other news, HD put down a deposit today on a new car (new for us, not new new) which we will pick up on Monday. It's silver, so I can legitimately go "ooh shiny" lots. Next weekend we will be in York and will see the friend who named HD's previous car. We'll have to see if she can think of another good name, as Bessie was a very apt name for, well, Bessie.