Matters arising

Categories: glasgow, random, phd

Tags: thesis, conference, Christmas, icon, WISE, laptop, Glasgow

Date: 20 November 2008 11:18:05

I'm back, reunited with my laptop.  Actually I have to say that not having internet at home for a few days, while the laptop and I were at opposite ends of the country, was really liberating!  Though I was starting to get a bit twitchy, so maybe not *that* liberating.

I have sent about 75% of my chapter to the supervisors.  It feels a bit superficial to me, but at least I've got something down on paper. The rest of it will have to wait till next week sometime, as before then I have to write a draft conference paper which I am presenting as a work in progress on Monday.  No rest for the wicked, as they say.

I must apologise to my WISE (Wibsite International Secret Exchange) person.  I have bought the present, but due to the week's manicness I didn't manage to buy the card I wanted or get anywhere near a post office, so that will have to wait till I'm back in Glasgow next week.  Fortunately my person is UK-based, so it should still get there in plenty of time.  I suppose it might mean that as they're still waiting they might assume they're waiting for something to arrive from Australia or somewhere else more glamorous and exotic, but hopefully the end result won't be too disappointing (and, one part of the gift *is* very sparkly, so that will be worth the wait).

Glasgow's bling is back.  Yes, the Christmas lights were switched on this last weekend.  Actually in George Square I do think that it is slightly less blingy than last year, but bear in mind that this is in relative terms.  Maybe I'll put up a picture of the bells as my icon instead, now that I discover that one person *did* think that my chocolate cake icon looks like a turd.

I'll write something more sensible once I've done some work and caught up with my scrabble games.