
Categories: new-blog, phd

Tags: procrastination, thesis, blog, tag

Date: 14 November 2008 14:01:35

I have 2 minutes to write this before going back to work.  So I shall just say that I am having fun revisiting my old blog entries and adding tags and stuff - and am very relieved to see that, of the entries I have tagged so far, I have written more about the thesis than anything else (which is, after all, the point of this blog).  Every time I award myself a little break I am doing a month of tags - only 48 more breaks to go! :)

If only I'd written as much OF the thesis as I had ABOUT it.  Small, but very very important difference.  Sigh.

[P.S. Thanks for all the sympathy.  I'm not 100% yet, but feel so much better today.  And at least I know where to come when I need sympathy again]