Productivity - in my head

Categories: phd

Tags: procrastination, thesis

Date: 12 November 2008 21:33:04

I'm supposed to get another draft chapter to my supervisors by the end of this week.  Thus far I have written the grand total of 0 words (I'm aiming for 10,000).

I do sort of know what I want to write.  But usually I have a long period of thinking about things and writing notes and lists and stuff, and then having a lightbulb moment followed by a couple of days of mad but inspired writing, and that usually is sufficient for draft chapter purposes.  Unfortunately this time I appear to have missed the lightbulb.  I hope it switches itself on tomorrow, otherwise the next couple of days could be a bit angst-ridden.  I do feel I've been fairly productive today in the thinking department, but I really must sort out putting it down on paper.  I'll be fine once I start, but it's just the getting round to starting.

It's kind of like going swimming or to the gym.  I'll think of every excuse not to go, and moan and whinge to myself all the time I'm getting into my swimming costume or gym gear, but when I do eventually get round to going I always enjoy it and I always feel good afterwards.  But the anticipation of starting, of going, is such a negative thing that I put it off as long as possible, and sometimes the putting-off process is too long.  So if you see me online tomorrow or Friday, feel free to poke me with a sharp stick and tell me to get on with it.