Essay woes

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 06 July 2004 20:50:23

Maybe it's an age thing. I used to be able to rattle off an essay without batting an eyelid (or doing anything much in the way of work beforehand). I also used to be able to write all night, or go to bed early and wake up in the small hours to finish it. I tried that this morning, and went straight back to sleep again.

This time I've done tons of reading, I more or less know what I want to say, I've got all the material at my fingertips, I know pretty much how I'm going to structure the essay, I'm motivated and want to do really well, and I'm really interested in my subject. But writing this particular one is like pulling teeth (I'm sure I said that about the last one as well), I just can't get into any kind of flow. Maybe this PhD dream is just a really dumb idea - can I really put myself through this for another 4 years? Maybe I should stop kidding myself and get a real life - if I'm struggling like this over 2000 words can you imagine what I'll be like writing up a PhD thesis?

And once this one's over I have another one to write for the end of the month. Why the hell am I putting myself through all this (and paying for it myself)?

I'm so tired.