The Nunhead Chainsaw Massacre

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 25 July 2004 13:00:35

Well, not quite, but there was a teensy bit of blood. I was at a barbeque yesterday evening at a friend's place, and two of the other guests had brought along their 16 month old son. By 9.30pm you could see the bags under his eyes, and he was obviously knackered as it was way past his bedtime, but he showed no signs of slowing down and was still charging round running into everyone and generally being a 16 month old boy. Anyway, after 3 glasses of wine the last thing I wanted to hear was "could we have your professional opinion please?" - he had finally been stopped by tripping up and hitting the side of his face against something or other, and had a huge black eye forming and (more worryingly) a cut very close to his eye. So off they went to Casualty, and we carried on sharing our own gruesome loadsa blood stories (being a nurse comes in very handy for these kinds of occasions). We stopped when the next youngest guest (who was 7) ran out as we were making her feel queasy. Hee hee.