Christmas - what a relief

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 30 November 2004 20:03:45

I've just been on the phone with my parents, and arranged with them that I won't go to see them at Christmas. I hope this doesn't sound heartless, but I'm so relieved not to be going for Christmas, I can't tell you. Not because I don't love them to bits, but just because I'll be working right up till Christmas Eve, and only have the weekend and the bank holidays off, and the week before and week after Christmas I'll be on my own at work, and the thought of using some of those 4 days off to travel was stressing me out so much. This way, I've arranged to see them before Christmas, but I'll have the four days entirely to myself where I can just slob around in my pyjamas if I want to all four days, or maybe do a bit of gardening (the garden isn't exactly the Eden Project at the moment, but I just haven't had any free time at all to do anything about it), and I can sleep as much as I want. Plus another thing which was niggling a bit was the thought of being away now that my lodger has gone (the last few years she's been working over the holiday so was here while I was away) - I got burgled a few months after moving in, and although nobody's tried to break in since I had the alarm installed, I still get a bit uneasy when I go away and leave the house empty, and Christmas is prime empty house time (a house I lived in years ago was broken into on Christmas day, though fortunately someone disturbed the burglar before they took anything).

I know (from the last time I spent Christmas alone - also planned) that I'll now have to run the gauntlet of people worrying that I'll be lonely! It's lovely that people care so much, but to be honest now I've made the decision it's like a weight's been lifted, and I'm really looking forward to it. I have some Moldovan sherry (at least, I think it's sherry - I'll find out soon enough!) which is corked like wine so it means I'll have to polish off the whole bottle over the holidays as I don't want it to go off (oh dear how sad!), and will have to plan my menu. There's a lovely risotto I used to do years ago that I've not made for a long time - yeah, I can see that working. Hooray!