
Categories: uncategorized

Date: 15 December 2004 17:47:45

I've just posted this on the SoF prayer thread, which basically sums up my last couple of hours:

Please pray for me. I had a call from my neighbour just over an hour ago while I was at work to say my burglar alarm was sounding and the kitchen window was open, and he had just called the police. After the police had sent the dog in and found that the burglar was no longer there I got in to find that, although I don't think anything's been taken, the house has been totally trashed, particularly the living room and my bedroom. I don't know where to start. There's glass and mud everywhere. And for some reason a hole has been kicked in my bedroom wall. I'm currently waiting for the emergency glass repair people who should be here some time this evening.

And as if that wasn't bad enough, when I was talking to the policewoman in the kitchen I noticed the hugest, biggest, ugliest spider and now I don't know where it's gone. That's the last bloody thing I need.


More when I've sorted the place out a bit. I really don't want to go into my bedroom at the moment though - I've never seen anything like it. I mean, it was a tip before, but I just can't bear this. Bastards.