Trouser crisis

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 29 December 2004 19:36:07

This morning I went back to work, and had the choice of two pairs of work trousers. The first one I chose I had to reject as they were a bit, well, tight after the excesses of Christmas. So I had to go with the second, which are a bit bigger, but are more disconcerting in that the zip is starting to go, and gradually unzips itself as I walk along to do my visits, meaning I have to unzip my coat, reach down and do up my flies, do my coat back up and then innocently look as if nothing has happened before I knock on the door of the next unsuspecting client. They also have a very irritating habit of unzipping really quickly when I sit down, which means I have to remember to lower myself down really gingerly when the clients invite me to sit down so I don't end up giving them more than they bargained for.

I think a trip to the sales may be in order. To preserve my modesty, you understand.