feeling postive with other things in my life!!!!

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 22 September 2003 22:11:40

Yesturday at church, we had an amazing sermon that really spoke to me. Its about doing things joyfully and not moaning about them, but just getting on with it. That doesnt mean that you cant speak up about things that are wrong, but the endless moaning and winging about the little things are not good. I feel like i have been doing that so much recently. Yes ive had a crap year so far and things havnt been going right, but i need to focus my thoughts on God more and to talk to him and pray when things are rough. Cause lets face it im not the only one to go through a breakup. Im not the only one who as a crap job. There are folk out there with worse troubles than my own, and although mine are just as important to God ive got to get my attitude right, and trust that he has a perfect plan for me.

Roll on to today.... Isnt it always the way, when you come out of a meeting feeling all blessed and thankful that you know monday is going to be a bit of a shitty day. Im not going to moan on about it though, and im praying to God more than ever. Im not saying im perfect and i hope that im not coming across as some divvy christian with my head in the clouds, but this is where words become the reality and i have to start as i mean to go on. So this means no more dwelling on the past, no more thinking of the 'what ifs" and feeling crap about the fact that my ex didnt really give a shit and that he is more bothered about who has been in his life since. Life moves on and in some ways although this year as been pretty shit, i have had some real highlights to my year. Met some great people and done some great things.

Anyway i will leave it at that.

night folks

holly xxx