Living in Chris

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Date: 14 September 2004 12:44:13

I always thought weblogging would be easy. After all, I write for a living (I'm a journalist, but don't like to say so too loudly), so it ought to come easy. But I find it doesn't - which is why I set this up two weeks ago in a fit of Post-Greenbelt excitement and haven't written anything in it for all that time. I guess, like anything, starting is going to be the difficult bit, so I thought I'd share two bits of random information with the billions of people who will no doubt read this.
The first is typo of the day - won by my church leader who sent me an email this morning about a new course the church is running to put in the church magazine. Apparently the course will be on Living in Chris and listening to him. Sounds fascinating, depending on who Chris is. I love typos - which might suggest a certain Schadenfreude on my part - and ironically enough I have probably spelt that wrong.
The second completely unrelated incident was this morning's office briefing on health and safety. Apparently we (a major national newspaper) have 12000 uncompliant chairs in our office (figure why we need so many staff, somebody?). Not only are they uncompliant, but they actually break the law by not providing something called a lumbar support. Instead of impounding them, however, we are just going to keep them until something better can be found. According to the health and safety officer, who I feel rather sorry for with hundreds of cynical hacks taking the mickey out of him at all times, the best thing to sit on is one of those Swiss Ball things that people use at a gym. I reckon the solution is to provide all staff with those Space Hoppers we used to have as children - very similar to swiss balls and we'd have a lot more fun.