there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain......

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Date: 02 December 2004 13:58:28

This morning I read Revelation 21: "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes". It's one of my favourite passages. My bible notes said that it was worth remembering that since sickness is not God's plan for anyone ultimately, and suggested that I imagine all the sick and suffering people I know as totally well.
So I did. Fantastic twenty minutes- maybe more. I let my imagination run away with me a little, but it was wonderful to remember that God can do that, and he could even do it here and now. Suddenly I feel like I understand a bit what the Kingdom of God is like and .... just wow.....
hurry up, Lord.

And before anyone points it out, I am aware that the next verses are about burning lakes of sulfur. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Or just fall in, as usual