Just sometimes, it isn't about how YOU feel

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Date: 09 December 2004 17:10:34

Feelings. Important, aren't they? Whether we're slumped on the therapists couch or discussing our relationship problems down the local pub, it's all about emotions and gut instincts. So it's natural, I guess, to assume that if you're praying and you don't feel that you're right up there in God's throne room then he is not down there in your bedroom listening to you.
But that simply can't be true, can it? Whether or not the Creator of the Universe is listening to what we say cannot be dependent on how we feel. I was chatting with a friend last night about his faith, and he was saying that although he prays he doesn't FEEL anything, and therefore something must be wrong. I thought of Screwtape, again (I do occasionally read other books, but i admit to a certain CS Lewis obsession).

Here's what our dear, devilish friend (fiend?) has to say

"Teach them to estimate the value of each prayer by their success in producing the desired feeling; and never let them suspect how much success or failure of that kind depends on whether they are well or ill, fresh or tired, at the moment".

So while it would be nice for us all to have a wonderful spiritual emotional experience every time we talk to God - I guess we won't. And while I did pray yesterday that this guy would feel closer to God when he prayed - I also advised him to get a few more hours sleep a night. It might just work wonders.