every little bit of me hurts

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 17 December 2004 11:19:51

It was a fellowshipping opportunity, ok? Office christmas party... and I have been proving to the world that christians can get drunk, dance badly and then end up leaving a bar in Soho at 3:30am just like everybody else. Obviously this is a fantastic witness and i expect many of colleagues to spontaneously convert within the next hour now that they have seen that I can have a hangover like everyone else too.
I'm joking, of course. Not, sadly, about my conduct last night - just about the sweet fantasy about me being a fantastic witness when intoxicated. But we had fun. Which is the point, after all. of Christmas parties. The sambuca, on reflection, was a mistake. As was not taking today off work. I have a big story to do now. Ouch. Poor me.....still, as I am sure you will all tell me - I have only myself to blame (but I still prefer to blame my colleagues).