Counting the days

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 31 May 2007 11:52:13

I have six more working days before I go on maternity leave, which is daunting and pleasing in equal measure. I've worked solidly for newspapers and magazines (sometimes holding more than one job at a time) since I left uni in 1998 (showing my age). It's terrifying to think I suddenly won't be working. Can't imagine defining myself as a "mum" rather than as a journalist. Guess I should really just be defining myself as a person created by God and be done with it, but it's quite hard to do that.

Being me, of course I've not really managed to sever links with working completely. I shall still have some freelance to do before the baby arrives, and possibly even after. Still, I'm looking forward to spending a bit more time with the sofa, my bed, and all the bags I need to pack, shopping etc before the little one arrives.

Slightly distraught to read in the Times this morning that our child has been feeling all the stress I have since I was four months pregnant. Can I sue the paper if he/she turns out to be a delinquent?