Knitting to a deadline

Categories: knitting

Tags: socks, knitting

Date: 01 July 2010 11:16:34

A long while back I picked up some sock wool off an internet site, thinking it would be good for something for my sister's birthday. Yesterday I finished the first sock. I fear it may be too loose for her legs (these are the first long socks I've knitted - she insisted on at least a 10" leg), but it is done.

One problem: the birthday is on Monday. I have the rest of today (a work day) and all of tomorrow, plus an hour or two on Saturday if I am lucky before it has to go in the post. The first sock took me two weeks. Admittedly I wasn't really focussing on knitting every spare second of the day, but I have knitted every night this week.

What do you think? Achievable? I think if I can get the foot done today then I might make it. I'll cast on over lunch.