Living with uncertainty

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Date: 17 May 2008 14:24:34

I am coming to the conclusion that pregnancy is good for the soul.

As it draws near the end, I am forced to slow down. If I plan something for one half of the day, I know that I won't be awake enough to do anything in the other half. Slowing down is good, leaving more time for just being.

Accepting invitations or making plans becomes more fluid. I can give no more assurance than a 'probably' or 'maybe' whenever anyone asks whether I will be somewhere. Relaxing into an 'I don't know' frame of mind is great. I can no longer dupe myself into thinking that I am in control of my life. There is a greater force at work and I am utterly at its mercy.

All I know is that at some point in the next 5 or so weeks there will be an addition to the household, although not really an addition because it is already here and kicking (and getting in the way of reaching the keyboard comfortably).