Eurovision report

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Date: 25 May 2008 18:08:38

So yesterday evening I decided to multitask by watching Eurovision and upgrading my laptop at the same time.

Now Eurovision without the benefit of a few stiff drinks was a new departure for me, but it wasn't too bad. Having a clear head at least meant that I could remember which song belonged to which country.

The only two songs that really made me smile were Iceland and Denmark. Iceland were the couple in black with hot pink trimming. Denmark was the guy in braces and a cap, dancing amusingly. The pirates were just too over the top.

The songs with real musical value were Portugal and Israel, but they were never going to get far.

Anyway, my tastes are clearly not shared by the rest of Europe. Ah well.

The laptop upgrade went fine, although I can't actually notice very much of what has changed, apart from Firefox being version 3 now (and very shiny it is too).