Tree! Car! Baby Jesus!

Categories: rusk, shopping, church

Tags: Christmas, tree, car, baby jesus, Rusk, Church

Date: 14 December 2008 22:46:40

Always slightly worrying when you can sum up the weekend using phrases from a sketch. Was it Harry Enfield where the aliens came to earth and ran around calling out names of things they saw?

So anyway, we have a tree! A Christmas tree, with decorations on it. I have just watered it (having remembered to turn off the lights first) and it is looking really rather lovely.

A fair amount of driving this weekend. First over to my local yarn shop to pick up my Christmas present from Ma & Pa. Ma seems reluctant to do internet shopping, but has proved willing to phone up a shop and buy something, leaving it for us to collect. She even upgraded what I had asked for. Not that I have seen any of this, since Mr F has of course spirited it away until Christmas. Then today off to placement church, followed by a wonderful lunch and meeting with the vicar. You know how some churches make you feel welcome? Well, this church makes us feel really welcome and totally part of their congregation despite only going out there on Sundays and knowing that we are only there until June. Their generosity is a real blessing.

Which brings me to Baby Jesus. I'm really looking forward to Christmas this year, and enjoying advent too. I remember this time last year I felt quite uncomfortable when hearing the Christmas story. I had just started telling people I was pregnant and felt as if all eyes were on me whenever Mary or Elizabeth's stories were mentioned. This year, with Rusk being six months old now, it is all rather different. I may write more later, but I have just noticed that it is more than time for his feed.