Retail Therapy

Categories: books, shopping

Tags: gadgets, reading

Date: 25 September 2006 21:03:58

I had a very pleasing contact lens checkup today and I can now confirm that the world wasn't blurry, I just was not focussing enough. Action has been taken.

While I was in town, I wandered to the bank to pay in a cheque (I tried showing it to the internet banking page, but there was no slot to put it in) and found Waterstones on the way. After a lengthy browse, I came out with a book on Tolkien's Tengwar and other related linguistic bits and pieces and a gadget.

I like gadgets, particularly those which enhance the reading experience. It is currently velcroed to the top of my monitor, but I can confirm that it can also function on a variety of surfaces. Marvellous, and indisputably useful for studying, hence no disapproving looks from Mr Farli. The disapproving looks were saved for the Tengwar book.

This weekend, I have been mostly reading Douglas Adams. I discovered a Dirk Gently novel that I had inadvertently omitted to read and I am now following it up with The Salmon of Doubt. Marvellous.

[Editor's note -Too many adverbs in this post. Could do better.]