Stream of consciousness

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Date: 15 November 2006 16:23:59

You know when you sit down at the keyboard and aren't sure whether you have anything to say? Well, I'm just sat here typing waiting to see what comes up.


no, nothing. I should be doing some worship planning really. I'll do some of that and then see if anything else springs to mind.


A very generous person dropped a little present into my pigeonhole yesterday. It is a book called 'Pussyfooting - Essential Dance Procedures For Cats, by Viv Quillin'. Quite bizarre, but very funny.

This reminds me of the Susan Howatch books and where Lewis and Venetia go to very expensive hotels to have non-alcoholic cocktails called pussyfoots. This is then referred to as 'pussyfooting'.

I was on another quest to find something nice to read last night. I briefly considered re-reading a Susan Howatch, but I couldn't decide which one, so went for Stephen Fry's 'The star's tennis balls' instead. Marvellous.

I think that is all you are going to get out of me for the moment. I will return.