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Date: 09 August 2008 15:45:26

This week I've been indulging my geeky side and trying out a new browser: Flock. It is based on the same code that Firefox uses, but interacts much more with Facebook, flickr, del.ico.us, blogger etc. As with many internet related things, I found it utterly captivating for the first few days, but now find that it doesn't keep me occupied for long, leaving me time to do the things I normally do on the internet. I'm using the Flock 2.0 beta because it is based on Firefox 3 rather than the current stable release which is FF2 based. Have a go... you might like it.

In other news, the baby is now 9 weeks old and currently engaged in the thrilling task of catching the wooden rings on his baby gym and making them swing. He is definitely more effective than he was a couple of weeks ago. Can't quite believe how fast he is growing and changing. The summer is going by all too quickly. I'll be back at college and he will be at nursery before I know it. Best make the most of it while I can.