Sci-fi goodness

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Date: 11 January 2007 23:01:40

We spent this evening watching the miniseries of Battlestar Gallactica.


Finally, another sci-fi with the potential to be a Babylon-5 in terms of plot, character, arc etc. There was one particular plot line, the outcome of which was the key to whether it was a Star Trek or a B5. Things ended badly for the character so B5!

We borrowed the mini-series and the first series proper from some friends so I think this may keep us occupied for a bit.

I was a bit confused by all the actors I recognised, but most of them are from the West Wing so at least they are good. The attorney to the White House Chief of Staff appears to have been promoted somewhat, as has Mendoza!

The other one I recognised: Gaius, who I have just had to look up on IMDB was Bridget's gay friend Tom in Bridget Jones' Diary. It had been bugging me all evening who he was, but IMDB saves the day again.

I am very much enjoying your guesses as to the mystery woodwork project in the previous post. Do continue. Rain is actually the closest so far, although not very close.