Lenten lingerings

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Date: 02 April 2007 16:34:13

Is anyone else finding that Lent this year seems to be going on for a lot longer than usual? No? Just me then.

As well as the general busyness I have had over the last few weeks, I have lost the inclination to keep to my planned blogging and have been gradually sliding ever further from the plan. I think it has achieved what I set out for it to do so normal service will be resumed shortly.

Looking out of my window today, I notice that the tree in the next garden has turned blue! It is liberally festooned with dark blue blossoms. Very pretty, if a little fuzzy, but that is probably because my glasses are by the bed and my lenses still in the bathroom cabinet.

In the mean time, I will get back to work and leave you with another lenten prayer:

Almighty and everlasting God,
who in your tender love towards the human race
sent your son our Saviour Jesus Christ
to take upon him our flesh
and to suffer death upon the cross:
grant that we may follow the example of his patience and humility,
and also be made partakers of his resurrection;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
