Who am I?

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Date: 15 May 2007 23:29:06

I have spent this evening doing my homework for spirituality tomorrow. Fascinating stuff.

The task was to find 5 photos which tell me most about who I am. They are all safely on my memory key to take in tomorrow, along with about 15 reserves that I thought also added something. This took longer than I thought so I have no time left for blogging.

I went for:

The picture of my bookshelves I posted here a few months ago.
Graduation picture
Family pose from my wedding with me sinking a pint of ale
Me with a group of friends looking for a pub to eat in
A picture of the causeway to Lindisfarne with me carrying one of the Northern Cross crosses barefoot through the mud

Could you find 5 photos that tell the most about you? What would they be?